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Digital Video Editing

Digital Video Editing has in recent years become both a very affordable and worthwhile activity. The ongoing developement in both the required hardware and software has provided the marketplace with better, more capable, easier to use, and in most cases more affordable equipment.

How many individuals or companies, even just a few years ago, would have thought it possible to have an in house video editing studio? This idea is now becoming a reality to more and more all the time, no doubt encouraged by the excellent quality of the results achieved by those already involved. With the rapidly growing popularity of DVD players and recorders it is fairly safe to predict that an ever growing number of people will be making their own video productions for home and business use.

Required Equipment:

  • Video source (camcorder or video/DVD player) and material - your video footage plus any other items to be included in your production (background music, photo's, graphics, animations etc.)
  • Computer (PC or Mac). Check the buying a computer page for recommended specs
  • Connecting leads
  • Editing software
  • Output medium (blank CD or DVD or video tape)

With the latest video editing software being so affordable, easy to pick up and use, and giving such excellent results, there has never been a better time to 'have a go'. Be warned though. "ONCE BITTEN, FOREVER SMITTEN". Video editing becomes adictive !!